In the midst of the corona epidemic, now the knock of bird flu also known as “Avian Influenza” is raising concern. So far, 84775 birds have died in Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Kerala.

Source- Dainik Bhaskar
Of these, bird flu has been confirmed in Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Kerala, sample reports from Haryana and Gujarat are yet to be confirmed.
In Madhya Pradesh, bird flu was confirmed in two districts, and the alert has been given in the entire state.

Till now more than 200 birds have died in Madhya Pradesh, 53 in Gujarat, more than 2000 birds in Himachal Pradesh, 522 in Rajasthan, 12000 in Kerala, and more than 70000 hens in two farms in Haryana.

In Kerala, it has been ordered to kill 50 thousand ducks by the government. Minister of State for Forests, Animal Husbandry K. Raju said that if the infection is detected at any place, all birds within a radius of about 1 kilometer will be killed.

Bird flu is also infectious for humans too. It causes the same symptoms as the coronavirus does.
Symptoms like phlegm, diarrhea, fever, respiratory problems, headaches, muscle aches, sore throat, runny nose, and restlessness.
Methods of protection: Stay away from infected birds. Do not go near dead birds at all. Take preventive measures while eating non-veg also take care of cleanliness when buying non-veg. Do not go to areas with infection. Always wear a mask and use sanitizers.