Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips That Will Help You To Stay Fit And Hydrated

Ramadan 2021: Sehri tips to help you stay fit and hydrated.


Ramadan 2021: The holy month of ‘Ramadan‘ is here and during Ramadan, people have their first meal before sunrise called Sehri/Suhoor, and another meal  Iftar which is eaten after sunset.

However, fasting for a month can affect the body in multiple ways. With changes in eating and sleeping patterns in this scorching heat can be tough. So to stay fit and hydrated in these times can be challenging. Dehydration can be very common among people during this time. 

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips
Ramadan 2021

Tips to Stay Hydrated and Fit During Sehri


It is one of the easiest ways to keep your body hydrated at all times is to drink an ample amount of water. Different research shows that a minimum of 60 ounces of water should be taken in a day to keep the body hydrated. In other words, drinking a minimum of 2-3 litres of water helps you to stay hydrated during the summer season.

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips


If you are thinking that eating a lot of food will be sufficient for the day, then you are wrong. You should have a rich in fibre diet that leaves you energized the whole day. Hence, Sehri meal should be light and nutritious.

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips


Dates are important during Ramadan and should be included in the meal as Prophet Mohammad used to do. Dates are rich in selenium, copper, and magnesium which coagulate bones and best for retailing human physique cells as they are a pure supply of glucose.

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips


Including yoghurt in your Sehri meal is helpful and scientifically correct as it helps forestall acidity, soothe your abdomen, and stops you from dehydration. It is also rich in protein and will bless your gut.

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips


Taking a good 8 hours sleep is one of the most effective ways of wellness. Waking up early in the morning has several benefits. It is suggested to get proper sleep during fasting for the proper functioning of the body.

Ramadan 2021: Sehri Tips

6. Avoid salty, spicy and sugary food

Keep spice, salt, and sugar low in your meal which will help you from feeling thirsty. Sodium helps balance fluid inside your body. When you consume high salty foods, water is drawn away from your cells, which later triggers thirst in the body so to avoid that stay away from sugar and spice.

​7. Add water-rich, juicy fruits and veggies

Add water-rich foods like cucumber, tomato salad, and juicy fruits like watermelon, oranges, kiwi, in your sehri meal will keep you hydrated. Following this will not only prevent one from getting dehydrated but also from catching an infection.

8. Protein-based foods

Protein keeps you full for a longer period of time. So it is important to include protein-rich foods like paneer, dal, channa, green peas (matar), rajma (preferably boiled) in the meal. These will help you feel energised and fuller for a longer time in the day.

9. Don’t skip vegetables

Veggies are important! Cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, pears, watermelons, and all other vegetables keep the body hydrated and also help meet the daily dose of essential minerals and vitamins. 

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